Dentist Dr. Blaine McLaughlin, DDS in Marion, Iowa 52302

Name: Blaine McLaughlin, DDS
Last name: McLaughlin
Primary Specialty: Dentist
Business: Dental Touch Associates‎
Address: 1655 Blairs Ferry Road
City: Marion
State: Iowa
Zip Code: 52302
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • Plaza Dental Group
  • Undergraduate: University of Iowa
  • Dental: DDS, University of Iowa
GPS coordinates on map: 41.9767,-91.67320251

Blaine McLaughlin, DDS

Primary location
Location name: Cedar Rapids
State: IA
Country: US
Map point: 41.9767,-91.67320251
  • Braces
  • Damon Braces
  • Dental Bonding
  • Dental Crown
  • Dental Implants
  • Invisalign
  • Lumineers
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Smile Makeover
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Zoom Whitening

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 1182
Answer count: 16
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Jul 29, 2011
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
Linked url:
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Dentist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Nov 1, 2011
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Cedar Rapids, IA, US. GPS coordinates: 41.9767,-91.67320251

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
What is the Time Span a Dentist is Responsible for Crowns?
dentist responsibility
Oct 16, 2013
As a dental professional, one of our jobs is to rebuild teeth that are highly compromised and not in the best of shape. This can be from trauma or from decay or other reasons. One of the challenges that we have is that we are currently unable to make materials that are as good as the tooth structure that you were born with and the human body is very unpredictable and things don’t always go as we would like. The other problem is that when we place something in someone’s…
Should I Be Concerned About the Hardness of a Cad/cam Crown Causing Damage to Other Teeth in my
cad/cam damage
Jul 22, 2013
I have been placing cad/cam restorations for 6 years now in my office and have not seen damage to the surrounding teeth in any cases. The porcelain that was used years ago use to cause some major wear on the opposing tooth, but the material is designed today to prevent that from happening and in my office, it has not been an issue. Thanks!
My Teeth Have Shifted After Braces, Can I Fix Them Without the Use of Braces?
Shifting after braces
Jul 18, 2013
It is hard to tell what exactly is going on with this picture, but Invisalign works well at aligning front teeth, so if you are just looking to round out your smile more, it is a good chance that you will have success.
I Have Protruding Front Teeth and an Overbite. Can Invisalign Really Help?
Invisalign-protruding teeth
Jul 18, 2013
I like the effort on the photos:) Invisalign works very well at aligning front teeth and rounding out your smile. We have brought teeth like this back many times doing just that. A thorough exam and evaluation would tell you for sure, but I would check it out if I were you! Enjoy the day!
What Causes the Whole Tooth to Turn Black Under a Temporary Crown?
Black tooth under temp crown
Sep 18, 2012
There are billions of bacteria that live in the mouth and sometimes the conditions are just right that they will get under a temporary and turn it black. It is the bacteria that cause this and it can be cleaned off by brushing peroxide on the tooth. It doesn’t do any damage, but if it is in front it can hinder the looks of the crown. Hope that helps!
Should I Trust Groupon Veneers for $400?
$400 veneer
Feb 16, 2012
As a dentist who had been trained and does a lot of cosmetic dentistry, I would be careful of what you will be getting with a $400 veneer. Between the lab fee and the overhead expense, I would be losing a lot of money by doing a veneer for this little. Possibly the dentist is doing the lab work in house, which would save some expense, but you could just go ask them how they can do this for so little? There are also pre-fabricated veneers that are less costly, but again, you…
Extraction or Nonextraction to Fix Moderate Class 2 Protrusion W/o Dished in Look?
Extraction vs non-extraction
Jan 23, 2012
Based on what you have said and without any pictures, the real question here is why are you getting braces? Is it for you appearance? Is it to help headaches? Is it so you can clean your teeth better? I'm not sure but if you have teeth removed it will create space and the way that space is closed is to bring the teeth in toward your tongue and back. That will change your appearance and if that is what you want, great. I prefer a fuller face and I also…

Last updated on 12/25/2023