Dentist Dr. Rod Strober, DDS in San Diego, California
Name: Rod Strober, DDS
Last name: Strober
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1993
Years experience: 30
Primary Specialty: Dentist
Business: Strober Dental
Address: 3330 3rd Ave.
Address suite: Ste. 302
City: San Diego
State: California
Zip Code: 92103
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 0$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- UCLA Dental Clinics
- Undergraduate: Skidmore College
- Dental: DDS, The State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine
Postdoc Training:
- Residency: General Dentistry Practice, Nassau County Medical Center
GPS coordinates on map: 32.7188,-117.1640015
Primary location:
Location name: San Diego
State: CA
Country: US
Map point: 32.7188,-117.1640015
- Dental Bonding
- Dental Crown
- Dental Implants
- Invisalign
- Porcelain Veneers
- Smile Makeover
- Teeth Whitening
- Zoom Whitening
RealSelf Info
Profile views: 2190
Answer count: 14
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Jul 27, 2011
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: Yes
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Dentist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Nov 1, 2011
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- San Diego, CA, US. GPS coordinates: 32.7188,-117.1640015
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Should the Invisalign Tray Edges Be Sharp?
Should the Invisalign Tray Edges Be Sharp?
Aug 26, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
Occasionally we will get an aligner that is sharper than it should be. It is simple to fix. Just bring it back to your dentist and ask them to polish off the sharp are. If this happens in futrue aligners make sure you tell your dentist and he can smooth them all out.
If you can not get back to your dentist then very gently smooth the area with a fine nail file being careful not to crack or split the aligner.
If I Wear my Invisalign Trays for 22.5-23 Hrs a Day, Can I Change Them at Exactly 2 Weeks?
2 weeks for changing of aligners
Aug 26, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
In my opinion, if you are wearing your aligner at least 22 hr per day than you shoul dbe able to change your aligners every 2wks. In fact, that is my protocol with all my patients. If I have a patient that is not wearing the aligners as often as they should then I may require them to wear them for 2.5 to 3 wks at a time.
Even though you wear your aligner for 2.5 wks does not mean that you will not need refinement. It just all depends on how well your teeeth respond to treatment.
Invisalign for Crowded Teeth
Invisalign for crowded teeth
Aug 26, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
It looks like you would be a great case for Invisalign! Although you have a lot of crowding the aligners will be able to slowly fix your crowding. Before you know it you will have that smile you've always wanted.
Invisalign Refinement. is my Second Go,
Invisalign refinements
Aug 26, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
I always tell my patients that there will most likely be a few more aligners after the first phase (which is refinement) This is Normal. I find that most people are relieved to hear that because they have somewhat of a guarantee that their teeth will straighten to their satisfaction (assumming they are compliant). I would say about 80% of my cases do requitre at least one phase of refinement.
Invisalign: Cost Vs. Benefit?
Invisalign for crowding and overbite
Aug 26, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
You are definitely a good candidate for Invisalign. Your crowded lower teeth can definitly be straightened with Invisalgn and your overbite will greatly improve.
Is Numbing Agent Needed for Cerec Fitting?
Is Numbing Agent Needed for Cerec Fitting?
Aug 26, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
In our office the fitting of the CEREC filling or crown is done on the same day as the preparation. That is one of the great advantages of having the CEREC!! Therefore, the patient is aleady numb from the preparation. However, if the CEREC restoration is done on a separate day than most likely you will have to get numb again. (again another disadvantage of not having the fitting the same day) Otherwise you will be too sensitive. If the tooth has had a root canal then no you willnot need to…
Coffee After Professional Whitening?
Coffee After Professional Whitening?
Aug 26, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
We do tell our patents that they should avoid all dark staining foods including coffee for the first 48 hours. This is so that the pores of the teeth have a chance to close up and dont get clogged with dark stains. Drinking through a straw will definitely avoid those foods from getting into your teeth and will prolong the whitening results
Latest Before And After Photos
- Doctor Strober, San Diego, California (92103) Whitening
- Doctor Strober, San Diego, California Invisalign
- Invisalign With Doctor Strober, San Diego, California
Last updated on 12/25/2023