Dentist Dr Wilderman in Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901

Name: Bruce Wilderman, DDS
Last name: Wilderman
Primary Specialty: Dentist
Business: Artistic Expressions Dentistry
Address: 400 Swamp Road
City: Doylestown
State: Pennsylvania
Zip Code: 18901
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • All procedures are done in our beautiful facility.
  • Undergraduate: BS, Chemistry, Ursinus College
  • Dental: DDS, Temple University, 1982
GPS coordinates on map: 40.2998,-75.12819672
Primary location
Location name: Doylestown
State: PA
Country: US
Map point: 40.2998,-75.12819672

Bruce Wilderman, DDS

  • Dental Bonding
  • Dental Crown
  • Gum Lift
  • Invisalign
  • Smile Makeover
  • Snap-On Smile
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Tooth Repair
  • Zoom Whitening

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 355
Answer count: 13
Review count: 1
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Oct 1, 2014
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Dentist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Oct 8, 2015
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Doylestown, PA, US. GPS coordinates: 40.2998,-75.12819672

Latest Prices

Gum Lift Prices

  • $8000 – Aug 2018 – Doylestown, PA
  • $8000 – Jan 2015 – Doylestown, PA

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Is this a concern on the top teeth at the edges?
Translucent teeth
Nov 20, 2020
There isn’t a lot of information in the photo, but it appears to be normal translucency of your teeth. Typically when someone has thinning incisal edges of the front teeth it is due to wear from grinding or excess acidity in their diet/reflux. In the limited amount I can see from the photo, that doesn’t appear to be the case here. I would not be concerned about the teeth breaking. I think the likelihood is near zero. In almost 40 years of practice I can’t recall someone breaking a tooth from…
How can I can correct my uneven smile?
Crooked smile
Sep 5, 2020
I am not an expert in botox, but it looks to me like the muscles on the right side of your face are pulling harder than the other side causing the asymmetry. botox might help in the hands of an expert.
I was suggested a dental crown. Can I get still wear my retainer?
Don’t Hate Your Smile
Sep 5, 2020
It’s very hard to say from the photos why someone would suggest full crowns for your front teeth. I can see is that as a result of your ortho treatment your upper incisors are rotated and flared slightly. Because of this, the proportions of the central and lateral incisors look wrong, probably causing your dislike for them. There probably wasn’t enough room to get those teeth in their proper alignment at the time of ortho treatment, so this was the compromise that was made. I would like to…
Which adheres to dentin best: crowns, veneer, or composite resin?
Bonding Strength of Matierial
Apr 13, 2020
I think what you are really asking is which restoration will hold up better over time. All three treatments (crowns, veneers and composite) require you to bond those restorations to the tooth using a composite resin. It’s always preferable to bond these restorations to enamel rather than dentin. The bond strength to enamel is much higher.
As far a longevity, Crowns and veneers will last much longer than composite resin. In general crowns and veneers…
Chipped my front tooth — do you recommend bonding or filing down?
Curtain Rod Fratured Tooth
Aug 14, 2019
I would agree with Dr. Silberman’s answer 100%. Done properly the restoration should last a long time. As he said the bite is the critical factor of whether or not the restoration will hold.
How to make canine substitution better? Will teeth bonding fix the problem?
Changing Canine Into Lateral Incisor
May 9, 2017
This simple answer is yes, bonding composite or porcelain to the canines can help mask your missing Lateral Incisors, but a Canine will NEVER be mistaken for a Lateral Incisor. The problem here is that a Canine tooth is widest as it emerges from the gumline. The Lateral on the otherhand is the narrowest tooth at the gumline and gets wider as you move toward the biting edge of the tooth. We call this the emergence profile. Canines and laterals could not be more different in…
Teeth not showing when I smile or laugh. Solutions?
Teeth Not Showing When Smiling
May 3, 2017
I think the short answer to your question is talk to your surgeon about your concern, but yes I think the surgery will help with the lack of display of your upper teeth. The long answer has to do with the opposing pull of the muscles of facial expression. The ones that pull the lips down are acting stronger than the ones that pull up. Your chin position has something to do with that, so I think the jaw surgery will help. If you don’t get the results after surgery, there is always Botox to…

Last updated on 12/25/2023