Doctor Broome in Charlotte, North Carolina 28210
Name: Patrick Broome, DMD
Last name: Broome
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2004
Years experience: 19
Primary Specialty: Dentist
Business: Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry
Address: 6849 Fairview Road
Address suite: #200
City: Charlotte
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 28210
Country: US
Statement: I have extensive postgraduate training in programs dedicated to both cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry. Additionally, I have pursued continuing education courses in endodontics, implant dentistry, periodontal surgical technique, conscious sedation, and straight-wire and Invisalign® orthodontics.
Consulting Fees: 75$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- All procedures are done in our beautiful facility.
- Undergraduate: Biological Sciences and Marketing, Clemson University
- Graduate: MBA, Wingate University
- Dental: DMD, Medical University of South Carolina
GPS coordinates on map: 35.2314,-80.84580231
Primary location:
Location name: Charlotte
State: NC
Country: US
Map point: 35.2314,-80.84580231
Google plus:
- Clear Braces
- Da Vinci Veneers
- Dental Bonding
- Dental Crown
- Dental Implants
- Gum Lift
- Invisalign
- Lumineers
- Porcelain Veneers
- Smile Makeover
- Teeth Whitening
- Tooth Repair
- Zoom Whitening
RealSelf Info
- Professional Recognition:
- Mastership Accreditation, World Clinical Laser Institute
- Clinical Instructor, Southeast Regional Training Center, Biolase WaterlaseMD laser system
Profile views: 1632
Answer count: 43
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Jul 8, 2014
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Dentist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Jul 10, 2014
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- Charlotte, NC, US. GPS coordinates: 35.2314,-80.84580231
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
How can I have a more natural smile?
A Natural Smile
Jul 13, 2015
Jul 13, 2015
I think you are correct with your assessment about your upper lip. From the photos provided you appear to have nice teeth arranged in a good position. Your lips at rest look more full than when in a full smile. I have the opportunity to work with a facial plastic surgeon specialist everyday on cases like yours. Your situation is fairly common and is best treated with the correct technique to provide volume to your upper lip without making it drop further onto your teeth. Botox would limit…
What are your thoughts on GLO Whitening Professional kit?
Professional Products
Jul 13, 2015
Jul 13, 2015
The take home product contains 6.5% hydrogen peroxide and the in-office contains either 24% or 30% hydrogen peroxide. The professional products do work and produce noticeable results much faster than over the counter (OTC) products. The percentage gives you an idea of the strength of the active whitening agent. Your dentist will determine the correct level for you and your situation. The lower percentage will work, but it takes much longer. The benefit of visiting a cosmetic focused dentist…
Do I need to fix my crowding or overbite before getting veneers?
Orthodontic Treatment
Jul 13, 2015
Jul 13, 2015
Yes, for ideal results I would suggest that you correctly position your teeth via orthodontic treatment first. This will address your deep bite and also improve overall fit and function of your teeth. Once orthodontic treatment is complete you may be able to whiten your teeth and not need porcelain veneers. The time invested in the orthodontic treatment will be worth it over your lifetime. Porcelain veneers may be a quick fix, but not the most ideal solution for your situation. We wish you…
Two Veneers vs a Full Set?
Your End Result
Jul 13, 2015
Jul 13, 2015
Great question! I help patients answer this question by finding out what end result they are looking to achieve. If a limited (2 veneer) approach obtains that result, you desire, then that’s your best option. If, however, you would like to improve your overall smile, then more would be required. We find financing options help patients get the smile they want without compromising. Flexible financing options can open up possibilities for patients that can’t or don’t want to pay cash for the…
I had my back molar extracted. Can I continue using my Invisalign trays?
Using Your Invisalign Trays
Jul 13, 2015
Jul 13, 2015
Yes, you can still continue to use your aligners. I would suggest that you remove the last molar from the aligner that covered the tooth you had extracted. Consider using a small pair of (very sharp) scissors to trim the aligner. By continuing to wear your aligners you will keep all the other planned movements moving forward and prevent any relapse. Consider emailing your dentist and let them know your situation. We wish you the best of luck!
Is laser or conventional crown lengthening better? And why?
Dental Lasers
May 29, 2015
May 29, 2015
Great question! It’s important to understand that dental lasers are basically new tools that are used to accomplish a wide variety of common dental procedures. The exciting aspect of dental lasers are the new minimally invasive techniques that are now possible. There are very specific parameters that must be right to use these minimally invasive techniques and not every patient is a candidate. The end result of either method depends on the knowledge, experience, and clinical expertise of the…
For teeth whitening, what benefits would there be between working with a general dentist and a cosm
Extensive Knowledge
May 29, 2015
May 29, 2015
Whitening is a common procedure and most general dental offices will have at least one whitening option. One key difference is an office that focuses on cosmetic dentistry typically will have an extensive knowledge base related to whitening, a broader selection of whitening options, and tend to be on the leading edge of materials and techniques. There are many different whitening systems, bleach concentrations, and techniques we use for different patient needs. Instead of just selling gel,…
Latest Before And After Photos
- 43 Year Old Man Treated With Zoom Whitening Patient By Dr Broome, Charlotte, North Carolina
- Doctor Patrick Broome, DMD, Charlotte, North Carolina (28210) 27 Year Old Female Treated With Dental Implants
- 35 Year Old Mrs. Treated With Teeth Whitening Results By Dr. Broome, Charlotte, North Carolina (28210)
Last updated on 12/25/2023