Doctor Ganz Garden City, New York 11530
Name: Cary Ganz, DDS
Last name: Ganz
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1973
Years experience: 50
Primary Specialty: Dentist
Business: The Dental Spa at Garden City
Address: 300 Garden City Plaza
Address suite: Suite 214
City: Garden City
State: New York
Zip Code: 11530
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 0$
Consultation note: Free Consultation For New Patients Only!
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- North Shore University Hospital
- Dental: DDS, New York University College of Dentistry
Postdoc Training:
- Residency:
- General Practice, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, NY
- Prosthodontics, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center and NYU College Of Dentistry
GPS coordinates on map: 40.767,-73.52539825
Primary location:
Location name: Long Island
State: NY
Country: US
Map point: 40.767,-73.52539825
- Braces
- Dental Bonding
- Dental Crown
- Dental Implants
- Invisalign
- Lumineers
- Porcelain Veneers
- Smile Makeover
- Teeth Whitening
- Tooth Repair
- Zoom Whitening
RealSelf Info
Profile views: 224
Answer count: 25
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Oct 22, 2014
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Dentist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Oct 27, 2014
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- Long Island, NY, US. GPS coordinates: 40.767,-73.52539825
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Help me get my smile back. What are my options?
Replacing Back Teeth
Jul 18, 2015
Jul 18, 2015
There are relatively few choices to replace the back teeth. You will either need a removable prosthesis (a partial denture) or implants. Those are really the only choices.There are several ways to use dental implants though. If bridges are too expensive you can use implants to hold a partial denture. In that way you avoid metal or plastic hooks on your own teeth. This is not ideal but would be less expensive than bridges. You can also have a precision or semi-precision partial denture…
Is it at all possible for a permanent porcelain crown to go on the wrong way?
Can A Crown Go On The Wrong Way?
Jul 18, 2015
Jul 18, 2015
Possible I guess yes, probable no. If the crown is made correctly it can only go on in one way. For it to go on backwards the tooth would either have to be prepared the same on both sides or else the crown will not fit.The real answer is that for the crown to go on backwards would normally mean that it does not fit once cemented or bondedGet it removed and remade.Dr. Cary Ganz
How do I fix my teeth?
Fixing Your Teeth
Jul 18, 2015
Jul 18, 2015
Sorry to hear about your problem. the good news is that it is easy to fix. The best solution, without seeingyour actual problem, is usually porcelain veneers. These are thin porcelain shells that are custom made to repair whatever problems exist and are bonded permanently to your teeth. They are long lasting, healthy for the gum tissue and great to look at.Good luck.Dr. Cary Ganz
Was told my eMax crowns (6 front teeth) would look VERY different than temporary crowns – my temporary c
eMax Crowns and Temporary Crowns
Jul 11, 2015
Jul 11, 2015
Sorry but the images you show really don’t help. The one suggestion I would make is that before any final restoration is placed that you get a chance to approve them. Never allow crowns of any kind to be permanently cemented without your permission.Hope this helps.Dr. Ganz
Should I look into getting dental bonding?
Fixing A Moving Tooth
Jul 11, 2015
Jul 11, 2015
My suggestion would be to go back to the dentist and see if he/she can create a new retainer or aligner to move the tooth instead of bonding. If this is a healthy tooth it’s always better to move it rather than restoring it. Restorations require maintenance and should be avoided if possibleHope this helps.Dr. Ganz
Is It Possible To Remove This Brown Stain?
Removing Brown Stains
Jul 11, 2015
Jul 11, 2015
Sorry but it’s very difficult to determine the extent of the stain from the picture. Some stains can be polished off if they are not deep into the enamel of the tooth. Some can be bleached and removed. Others require some for of restoration such as a porcelain veneer. Hope this helps.Dr. Ganz
In your opinion how did my crown turn out?
Difficult To Match Color Exactly
Feb 20, 2015
Feb 20, 2015
Since we first started using porcelain it has always been a difficult, but not impossible, task to match one front tooth to another. Difficult yes, but not impossible as I said. It really is in the hands of the ceramist.Tough to gauge the match on the photos. The lighting, photography etc plays a huge role.For the most part, at first glance they look fine. Don’t overthink it. IMHO
Latest Before And After Photos
- Dr Cary Ganz, DDS, Garden City, New York (11530) 17 Or Under Year Old Lady Treated With Invisalign
Last updated on 12/25/2023