Doctor Jonathan Hall, MD in Stoneham, Massachusetts

44 Year Old Female Treated With Ear Lobe Surgery Pic With Dr. Jonathan Hall, MD, Stoneham, Massachusetts (02180)

A woman in her early 40’s with a cleft of her right ear. She had initially had this repaired with good result and re-pierced at 3 months. She did not however remove her earrings at night while sleeping and re-tore the same earlobe 2 months later. Repairing the earlobe does not make it any stronger than it was initially. It is good to repair problems and even better to prevent new problems. People tend to sleep more on one side than another and the force of the pillow constantly moving across the earring can cause the post to slowly cut through the earlobe, like a wire cutting through a cheese. So she returned to have this repaired again. She is shown now 3 months after this second repair and again, just after re-piercing in the office. She now plans to protect her ear during the initial 3-4 week healing period after re-piercing with a Bandaid at night while sleeping ( the earring is kept in for the first 3-4 weeks while sleeping to allow the new piercing to become lined with new skin cells) and then after this time to start removing her earrings completely when sleeping. (Nov 4, 2019)