Dr Nicholas Cobb, DDS Dentist in Waco, Texas
Name: Nicholas Cobb, DDS
Last name: Cobb
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2011
Years experience: 12
Primary Specialty: Dentist
Business: Nick Cobb, DDS and Ron Evans, DDS
Address: 113 Burnett Court
City: Waco
State: Texas
Zip Code: 76712
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 0$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- University of Chicago
- Dental: DDS, University of Texas Dental Branch-Houston
GPS coordinates on map: 31.5524,-97.11910248
Primary location:
Location name: Waco
State: TX
Country: US
Map point: 31.5524,-97.11910248
- Braces
- Clear Braces
- ClearChoice Dental Implants
- Dental Bonding
- Dental Crown
- Dental Implants
- Gum Lift
- Invisalign
- Lumineers
- Porcelain Veneers
- Smile Makeover
- Teeth Whitening
- Tooth Repair
- Zoom Whitening
RealSelf Info
Profile views: 612
Answer count: 46
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Oct 15, 2014
Profile modified: Sep 30, 2019
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Dentist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Oct 16, 2014
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- Waco, TX, US. GPS coordinates: 31.5524,-97.11910248
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Braces and I have a tooth gap! I don’t know if it just happens?
Feb 23, 2017
Feb 23, 2017
From your question, I am not sure if you are currently in braces or are already finished.
If you are in braces, sometimes gaps open up during movement and they will be closed later.
If you are finished with braces and gap opened then the retainer can be tightened to close this gap, or if it does not fit you can do a short invisalign case and close it.
If you are in braces, sometimes gaps open up during movement and they will be closed later.
If you are finished with braces and gap opened then the retainer can be tightened to close this gap, or if it does not fit you can do a short invisalign case and close it.
Can my Invislign retainer erode one of my front teeth?
Probably not
Feb 23, 2017
Feb 23, 2017
The retainer itself would not be the cause for your tooth becoming uneven. There are usually two reasons:
1. the teeth have shifted and it appears uneven
2. wear during the day has caused you to chip or wear that tooth more than the others
It would not take long in an examination to determine what is going on and the correction is usually very minimal.
1. the teeth have shifted and it appears uneven
2. wear during the day has caused you to chip or wear that tooth more than the others
It would not take long in an examination to determine what is going on and the correction is usually very minimal.
What will be my best course of treatment to improve my smile? I would like correct gaps and bite. (p
Jan 8, 2016
Jan 8, 2016
I would recommend that you use Invisalign to correct the spacing issues. Invisalign can now treat nearly all conditions that we used to use braces for. Most adults really prefer Inivsalign over braces because you will not see the wires and brackets.
Multiple CEREC Crown Failures, is Sirona or my Dentist responsible and what can or should be done?
Mar 5, 2015
Mar 5, 2015
Honestly almost 10 years is a decent time for the life of a crown. Many crowns last longer but even insurance companies will pay to replace a crown every 5-7 years. Sirona is the manufacturer of the machine that mills the crown they have no liability and do not provide the material for the crown. When a crown breaks it is usually only because of a few issues. First the dentist who placed the crown may not have provided adequate reduction to get the needed thickness for the material of the…
What kind of implant should a 19 year old use for his front tooth? Zirconia / Titanium? What about t
Feb 1, 2015
Feb 1, 2015
I would recommend titanium implants. They have been used for a very long time and have a great proven history. Zirconia implants just do not have the long term success behind them. Also, as for the abutment it really depends on the final shade of your teeth. If you have dark teeth then a titanium abutment will be okay. If you are going for a lighter shade then I would recommend a zirconia abutment with a titanium interface to the implant.
What should be my next step? 1.Extraction and wait 2.Extraction, Bone graft and wait 3. ???
Feb 1, 2015
Feb 1, 2015
A lot of times an implant can be placed immediately after the extraction with a little bit of bone grafting at that time. From you radiographs this looks like it could be an option. I would suggest going this route because it will allow for the fastest healing time and you will have your tooth restored within 3 to 4 months.
All on 6, upper full arch fixed bridge dental implants with BMP bone grafting. Is $45,000 a reasonab
Not really
Feb 1, 2015
Feb 1, 2015
The way we handle a case like yours is to do the entire surgery in one visit. Remove all of the teeth and place 4 to 6 implants in the upper arch. With a full zirconia restoration the total cost would be $26,500. $45,000 would be for the full mouth upper and lower.
Latest Before And After Photos
- Dr. Cobb, Waco, Texas (76712) 34 Year Old Mother Treated For Invisalign Photo
Last updated on 12/25/2023