Dr. Shim Ching Breast Augmentation Prices
Breasts don’t have “sharp edges” so BWD measurements are ALWAYS different by different doctors.
The chief thing is that your chosen surgeon will need to used his/her method of measurement to aid in choosing the implants that will most closely achieve your goals. I personally “measure” BWD on the higher side, as I choose to “measure” what I feel will be the new breast base diameter AFTER augmentation.
Bigger breasts yield bigger bases, and 2.5cm is just an inch. You don’t want implants that are too wide for the overlying breasts (upside-down margarita glass breast shape–BAD) or too narrow for the pocket (the golf ball in the bowler hat–equally weird), but I would feel best about moderate plus implants in your chest, NOT high profiles.
I’m not a fan of lollipop lifts at all, but you may require a lift if your nipples are below the level of your inframammary creases (try the pencil test).
The wider the implant, the taller it is, so high profile implants do NOT give upper pole fullness once they are in their final position–they are narrower, and therefore NOT as tall (round implants have the same diameter side-to-side as top-to-bottom!)
Too many plastic surgeons will tell you that HP implants give more upper pole fullness, but after they drop soften and settle, I am doing their re-do surgeries.
If you want upper pole fullness, a lift will need to be performed to tighten your skin brassiere, or you need to re-inflate your breasts with implants (assuming no lift is required) and then buy cute push-up bras.
Implants do NOT “lift” breasts!Going below the muscle will compress your chosen implants–if you like the look of 339cc implants and your surgeon uses those below your muscles, you will swear he put in the “wrong ones.”
Allow your surgeon to use implants that are about 15% more volume to accommodate for this apparent volume “loss.” I would likely use 371cc or 397cc implants, which are 2 tablespoons bigger or 4 tablespoons bigger respectively. All 3 of those sizes are about the volume of a can of soda (360cc), and can be expected to add about 1 1/2 bra cup sizes to your present size, minus the ounce of skin removed with any lift performed.
You’re asking great questions, but may need another consultation to obtain a “tie-breaker” opinion. I like the first surgeon’s measurement and your size choice, but would need to examine you to determine if and what kind of lift to recommend, after which implant size and profile discussion would be had.
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Breast Implants and Pregnancy
This is one of the more common questions about the effects of breast implants after a breast augmentation. Many patients get pregnant after a breast augmentation and the effect is usually minimal. If you gain a lot of weight with your pregnancy, there is the risk that you will stretch out the skin of the breast and then afterwards, as you lose the weight, and your breasts get smaller than they were originally, as they frequently do after a pregnancy, your breast my hang off your implants and not look very good.
I always remind women who have implants prior to a pregnancy to keep their weight in check if they can and they will be very happy with their breasts after.
Breast augmentation does not interfere with cancer detection.
Breast augmentation does not interfere significantly with breast cancer detection. You can still get routing mammograms and perform self exams as well.
You need to inform the person performing your mammogram that you have implants because they will take 3 xrays of each breast instead of 2 in order help see all of the breast tissue around the implant.
This additional view allows almost all of the breast tissue to be reviewed by the radiologist. Other techniques can be used to help focus on questionable findings. You need to speak to your own doctor and then most likely a geneticist about being tested for the BRCA gene.
With a close family history of breast cancer you are at higher risk of developing cancer. Breast augmentation does NOT increase your risk for cancer. Breast augmentation should NOT affect the detection of breast cancer significantly.
Breast lift is usually indicated if your nipples lie beneath the level of your inframammary fold or your breast mound lies low on your chest. You son’t have either of these issues. Your breasts demonstrate some “droopiness” but it is primarily due to your high inframammary fold and your tissue falling over it.
I believe that you could get a reasonable result using implants, without doing a lift, if the fold can be dropped slightly and you don’t use too large of an implant.
Best Breast Implant for Me?
and picture. It is hard to imagine that the implant size that you mention will not give you “upper pole fullness”. I suggest that you communicate your goals clearly with your plastic surgeon again prior to surgery.
Gummy Bear Implants vs Round Implants – which is better
Gummy Bear is the general public’s term for Shaped Implants. All implant companies provide shaped implants, which all have a textured coating and a more rigid silicone gel inside. For the vast majority of women, standard round gel implants give the best overall look, cost less without the worry of rotation.
Think of Shaped implants mainly for reconstructive surgery.
Saline implants on top of the muscle
The best thing to say about saline implants on top of the muscle is that it is the least invasive of all the options. The incisions are smaller than gel implants and the pain is less than under the muscle.
There are also some special circumstances where this technique may be the best option. The final result of a breast augmentation depends mostly on what percentage of the result is due to the implant and what percentage is due to the patient.
So, the more breast tissue, fat or muscle and the smaller the implant and the more gel-like the implant the more natural the result will be.
19 year old wants silicone gel implants
Of course you can! Others have correctly pointed out the FDA issues. I have performed hundreds of augmentations on women younger than 22. Go see a qualified PS.
Age and surgery
If your health is good, you are never too old for cosmetic surgery, including breast implants. There is no reason to dislike your appearance. The surgery is quick and done as an outpatient, so there is a quick easy recovery.
Seek a complimentary consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.
Saline is less costly in my practice…
And theoretically, it should be in all practices. But if they charge the same for both types of implants, you should be able to find another doctor that recognizes the differences in cost and go with him/her.
I guess these practices make more when a patient selects saline but I just don’t think its right. The difference in my practice is around $900.
Running After Breast Implants?
After 6 weeks most athletic activities can be resumed. However, if jogging then make sure you have a good fitting jogging bra.
Some people will need a breast lift after breastfeeding.
Some people will need a breast lift after breastfeeding whether or not you have had implants. The scars after breast lift surgery can be very acceptable and fade with time. The scars may be a very acceptable trade off for the improved shape and position of the breast tissue.
Make sure your surgeon is comfortable performing secondary or revision breast surgery.
Breast ptosis and asymmetry
Your degree of breast asymmetry and ptosis will require two surgeries. First, you should get a breast lift and then six months later get your breast augmentation. Please see examples below.
Your implants will settle
First, I would return to your surgeon and ask to see your pre-surgery photos. Some of the asymmetries may have been pre-existent. That is not to say they are not correctable.
Wait another 4 months for the tissues to relax and the implants to settle. You may be happy with your result at that time.
The cost of procedure in 2009:
- $8,000 – Shim Ching, MD – Honolulu, HI – 2009;
Doctor fee for amazing breast augmentation in 2012:
- $8,000 – Shim Ching, MD – Honolulu, HI – 2012;
Plastic surgery for breast implants clinic price list in 2013:
- $8,000 – Shim Ching, MD – Honolulu, HI – 2013;
Realself pricing of plastic surgery augmentation in 2014:
- $8,800 – Shim Ching, MD – Honolulu, HI – 2014;
Doctor prices in 2017:
- $9,000 – Shim Ching, MD – Honolulu, HI – 2017;
- $9,545 – Shim Ching, MD – Oahu Island, HI (Honolulu, HI) – 2017;
Dr Shim Ching before and after gallery
- Dr Shim Ching Implants