Plastic Surgeon Dr Vadodaria Watford, WD18 0AF

Dr Vadodaria, Watford, 51 Year Old Spouse Treated With Eyebrow Transplant Candidate

Skin loses its elasticity and our muscles weaken as we age. The eyelids gradually develop areas of loose skin or folds in the upper lids, while bags and creases develop under the lower lids.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid reduction surgery, removes the surplus skin and protruding fat to give a more alert and awake appearance.

Both upper and lower eyelid surgery can be carried out under local anaesthetic with or without sedation or general anaesthetic. The surgeon will make incisions in the creases of the upper lids, or just below the lashes in the lower lids. The excisions are extended a little way into the lines extending out to the corner of the eye. Excess skin and fat are then removed. Dissolvable stitches are used to close the wounds and a small dressing may be applied.

(Jun 29, 2017)