Rejuvene Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Hebron, Kentucky
Tue: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wed: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thu: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Fri: 9:00am – 4:00pm
- Arm Lift
- Blue Peel
- Belotero
- Body Lift
- Botox
- Breast Implant Removal
- Breast Implants
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Implant Revision
- Breast Lift
- Breast Reduction
- Breast Reconstruction
- Breast Lift with Implants
- Brazilian Butt Lift
- Breast Fat Transfer
- Brow Lift
- Buccal Fat Removal
- Butt Lift
- Calf Implant
- Butt Augmentation
- Cheek Augmentation
- Cheek Lift
- Chin Implant
- Genioplasty
- Chemical Peel
- Chin Liposuction
- Collagen Injection
- Dermabrasion
- Dysport
- Earlobe Repair
- Ear Surgery
- Eyelid Surgery
- Facelift
- Facial Feminization Surgery
- Facial Fat Transfer
- Forehead Reduction
- Glycolic Peel
- Masculinizing Top Surgery
- Kybella
- Juvederm
- Labiaplasty
- Latisse
- Laser Resurfacing
- Lifestyle Lift
- Lip Fillers
- Lip Implants
- Lip Lift
- Lip Surgery
- Lipoma Removal
- Liposuction
- Lower Facelift
- Liquid Facelift
- MACS Facelift
- Gynecomastia Surgery
- Male Tummy Tuck
- Microdermabrasion
- Mentor Breast Implants
- Mini Facelift
- Mini Tummy Tuck
- Mole Removal
- Mommy Makeover
- Feminizing Top Surgery
- Transgender Facial Feminization Surgery
- Monsplasty
- Neck Lift
- Nipple Surgery
- Nonsurgical Facelift
- Nonsurgical Neck Lift
- Nonsurgical Nose Job
- Pec Implants
- Permanent Makeup
- Ptosis Surgery
- Radiesse
- QuickLift
- Restylane
- Restylane Silk
- Retin-A
- Rhinoplasty
- Scar Removal
- Sclerotherapy
- Revision Rhinoplasty
- Sientra Breast Implants
- Skin Lightening
- Skin Rejuvenation
- TCA Peel
- SMAS Facelift
- Thigh Lift
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Tummy Tuck
- Tummy Tuck Revision
- VI Peel
- Voluma
- Xeomin
RealSelf Info
Special Offers
Start Time / End Time
Sep 30, 2019 /
Dec 31, 2020

Deborah Sillins, MD
“At my practice, I offer a wide array of surgical and nonsurgical procedures to help improve, restore, or reconstruct aspects of a person’s appearance,” says Dr. Sillins. “I spend the necessary time with my patients to understand their desires and needs.” She custom-tailors her surgical plans to each patient’s unique anatomy and aesthetic goals.
Dr. Sillins received her medical degree from New York Medical College in 1991 and fine-tuned her expertise through residencies and fellowships over the next decade. She completed a residency in integrated plastic surgery and general surgery at the University of Kentucky and another in plastic surgery at Case Western Reserve. She also completed a fellowship in microvascular surgery at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.
Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Sillins is also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. She works with a variety of patients and prides herself on a superior skill set that yields exemplary results.

Shannon Markesbery
Practice's answers
Mar 3, 2020
Mar 3, 2020
Mar 3, 2020
Feb 11, 2020
Feb 11, 2020
Last updated on 12/03/2023