Dr. Martin J. Carney, MD, FACS 23454

Dr. Carney, Virginia Beach, Virginia (23454) 68 Year Old Spouse Treated With Lift Face Candidate

Face lift before and afters by board-certified plastic surgeon Martin J. Carney, MD

Following surgery, you will be wrapped in a comfortable dressing with cool compresses placed over your eyes for comfort and to minimize swelling. Discomfort should be minimal, although there will be numbness in the facial area that will diminish over a period of a few weeks.

During the first weeks after surgery you may begin to use make-up. This may usually be done anytime after your first post-operative visit. As the incisions heal most scars will become inconspicuous. It takes many months for the final surgical changes to soften to their normal state.

(Jan 17, 2018)